Monday, May 7, 2012


I close my eyes and I picture a little boy running through the fields, chasing butterflies, frogs and dreams, the sun warming his skin and shining as bright as his smile, though less brighter than his heart...

This little boy is alone, but he's not lonely; by his side, there are small creatures, very little beings that he pretends not to see...

But he's totally aware that they are there, they exist, and they're keeping him company from a long time now.

And protecting him...

While his little feet run on the grass and his eyes are up in the sky, flying away on the wings of the birds that are passing by, to the place he knows he belongs to, the little creatures hold him softly, so that he won't get hurt by the stones and rocks that he doesn't see, because his eyes are lost in the distance... as well as his soul...

There is such a light around this little boy, coming from his inside, brightening the beautiful light color of his eyes, warming the landscape around him as much as the sun...

The little creatures know who he is, although he doesn't know it himself.

There's a warrior inside him, a fighter for a better world, the future king of a new kingdom in which the one and only rule is to love every creature of the world, vegetal or animal, because they all are part of the same.

When a flower or animal dies, we all die a little... But when a new one is born, we are reborn a million times, over and over again.

A cycle, a circle...

Here's the mystery of this little boy, and here's why all these creatures care for him so much; he's surrounded by the light of Love and he will touch the lives of other people. He will make THE difference in the future!

But, for now, he's just a little boy with eyes full of distant worlds, distant stars, distant suns.

A wonderful boy, collecting small treasures that are worth the moon for him. Though he would switch them for his own Moon...

A Moon that is shining in another sky, miles away from this little Sun... and that is willing to join him, someday, to play together at last.

A Moon that waits until they can finally dance in the same sky, to the song of the Universe!